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Why is my member discount not working?To add a new question go to app settings and press "Manage Questions" buttonIt can be one of three reasons. 1) You have not logged in with the email you provided us. All automatic member discounts are associated with the email you provided us. 2) The member discounts do not work on items provided from another website, i.e. THADDEA does not use our member discounts, their items are already marked on sale or use special codes when available. 3) The item you are trying to purchase has been designated as a special sale item, and member discounts do not apply because they are already marked well below the usual retail price.
Who do I contact to start a conversation with Kris to carry my products or sponsorship?Email us at with your detailed proposal and contact information. We will forward the email to Kris and one of the team will follow up with you within 72 hrs.
Can I get the autographed book personalized?Yes, there is a section for you to let us know who or what the message is for/about. Note: Not all personal messages can be fulfilled if they are viewed as dishonest, immoral, or slanderous.
How do I get a personal message to Kris "Tanto"?"We do NOT filter any emails that are for Kris specifically. They will be forwarded to him as they come in. You can email If it is a personal message you can also mail him a letter to 2751 Legends Pkwy Suite 146 Prattville AL. 36066. The later will be forwarded to him when it comes in.
How do I send Kris "Tanto" a gift?"First, Kris would like to thank you from the bottom of his heart for your kindness and support. He wants to express that your kind words of support and continued prayers are enough, and no gifts a necessary. He would rather you do something good with your money like to donate to the 14th Hour Foundation or other worthy charity/foundation. But, if you still want to send him a gift, you can send it to ATTN: Kris Paronto 2751 Legends Pkwy Suite 146 Prattville AL. 36066. and it will be forwarded to him when it comes in. NOTE: Please do not send Kris any shirts...he ran out of room in his closet a long time ago.
How do I send Kris a sample of my product I want him to promo/endorse?You can mail the sample/product to ATTN: Kris Paronto 2751 Legends Pkwy Suite 146 Prattville AL. 36066. It will be reviewed and forwarded to Kris when it comes in. NOTE: Sending Kris or Battleline Tactical a product does not mean he or Battleline will endorse or promo the product.
Does Kris "Tanto" live in Alabama?"No, the Alabama location is used as a go-between for security purposes. We do not give out Kris's personal address, email, or phone number for any reason. NOTE: We do not filter any emails, packages, or messages to Kris "Tanto". They are all forwarded to him when they come in.
Who do I contact for more information about the Battleline Tactical Courses?Email us at with any questions you have about any Battleline Tactical Course. We typically respond within 24hrs.
Who do I contact about hosting a Battleline Tactical course?Email us at and let us know what type of course, how many days, and any questions you may have. One of the team will reach out to you within 48hrs to follow up on your request.
How do I request a replacement Battleline Tactical Certificate?You can email us at to let us know you need a new certificate. Due to the fact Kris requires real (not rubber-stamped) signatures on the certificates, it may take some time.
I paid for a seat in a Battleline Tactical course, and need to cancel. Who do I contact?"We are sorry that you cannot attend the course at this time. You can contact us at and we can give you a certificate to attend any future course (matching the same monetary value) or you will receive a full refund.
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